Đặt câu với từ "sunspot|sunspots"

1. It also shows a clear relationship with sunspot activity; by and large there are fewer sunspots when the Sun is bigger.

2. The darkest region of a sunspot.

3. We observe three sunspot groups on the disc.

4. These faculae frequently are the forerunners of sunspot formation.

5. Also sunspot umbras show up the Wing-Ford band prominently.

6. A mutant from Brazil, Sunspot possesses the ability to absorb and channel solar power.

7. They are probably produced by variations in sunspot activity.

8. They also wondered whether this cessation of sunspot activity indicates an upcoming return of the Maunder Minimum, a 70-year sunspot drought seen from 1645-17

9. The broadcast was snapped for a few seconds by the sunspot activity.

10. The above sunspot spot, all is the sadness which you gives!

11. If disaster strikes - sunspots, clueless spouse, overtired self - you enter Time Machine's recovery mode.

12. 26 This arises from the bright and hot regions which overlie sunspots.

13. Here a white sunspot shoots out giant magentic spikes into space.

14. This includes the continuous survey of umbra and penumbra of the sunspot.

15. These Blemishes, akin to sunspots, tend to have a lower temperature than surrounding regions

16. A few weeks ago, one small candidate reverse sunspot was sited but faded quickly.

17. A bright and intensely hot area in the sun's chromosphere, usually associated with a sunspot.

18. A bright and hot area in the sun's chromosphere, usually associated with a sunspot.

19. At the beginning of a cycle the jet stream is found, like sunspots, in mid-latitudes.

20. There is evidence that aspects of weather and climate are also synchronized with sunspot activity.

21. Clayton found shifts in the latitudetracks of low pressure areas in North America with change in sunspot activity.

22. 10 In one such list the Jesuit astronomer Christopher Scheiner is included for his discovery of the sunspots.

23. Shrinks the sunspot the bridge, the ship, the human, is moving slowly, all not anxious appearance.

24. These levels also seem to follow an 11-year cycle that may be affected by sunspot activity.

25. In addition, high-speed streams in the solar wind unrelated to CMEs, flares or sunspots strongly agitate the Earth's magnetosphere.

26. Groups of sunspots forewarn of gigantic solar storms that can unleash a billion times more energy than an atomic bomb.

27. The virtual heights of the ionospheric F2-layer depends on the solar activity characteristically with a double-period for one sunspots-cycle.

28. Between 1645 and 1715 almost no sunspots were observed, a solar period which came to be called the Maunder Minimum.

29. Temperatures in the dark centers of sunspots drop to about 3700 K (compared to 5700 K for the surrounding photosphere ).

30. The OPTE wand digitally scans your skin, analyzes your Complexion, and camouflages age spots, sunspots, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation with a custom-tinted and hydrating serum

31. 28 When sunspot numbers drop at the end of each 11-year cycle, solar storms die down and all becomes much calmer.

32. Scientists are concerned that a special event, such as a sunspot or supernova might occur during this long period of communications blackout.

33. From August 28 until September 2, 1859, numerous sunspots and solar flares were observed on the Sun, with the largest flare on September 1.

34. Observations of sunspots were recorded during the Han Dynasty (206 BC–AD 220) by Chinese astronomers, who maintained records of these observations for centuries.

35. Besides, we have commented the Maunder Minimum and concluded that it is incorrect inference for lack of sufficient sunspot records.

36. When sunspot numbers drop at the end of each 11-year cycle, solar storms die down and all becomes much calmer.

37. Revolutionized spectral observations by inventing and using the spectroheliograph; discovered magnetic fields in sunspots; first astronomer to be officially called an Astrophysicist; founded the Yerkes, Mt

38. Three studies, presented at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society's solar physics division, all point towards declining sunspot activity into the next decade.

39. An interval of time during which a characteristic, often regularly repeated event or sequence of events occurs: Sunspots increase and decrease in intensity in an 11-year Cycle. 2.

40. The Astrophysical Research Consortium (ARC) owns and manages the Apache Point Observatory (APO) located in Sunspot, NM for its member institutions through support agreements with these institutions

41. The small museum in the refracting telescope to observe the help of sunspots, moon craters, the great red spot Jupiter, Saturn's rings, and other interesting phenomenon of stars.

42. The amount of airglow and zodiacal light is quite variable (depending, amongst other things on sunspot activity and the Solar cycle) but given optimal conditions the darkest possible sky has a brightness of about 22 magnitude/square arcsecond.